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The Secret of Successful Transformation and Achievement

Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds.”       William Wordsworth

Transformation and success begin in the mind

The mind is the secret of successful transformation and achievement. Everything that now is, was once a thought in somebody’s mind. Every spoken or written word once existed as a thought. The mind is like a big canvas full of images and concepts. Overtime, the images and concepts reach maturity and become real through our actions. Whatever the images and concepts are, they will show up in one form or another.

The mind is the garden and womb of life

The mind can also be likened to a womb or a garden. Thoughts are the seeds we plant in the soil of the mind – the womb of life. In the fullness of time, we give birth to these thoughts and they become things we see, touch, smell, taste, and feel.

Sow what you desire to reap

If the mind is a garden or a womb for plantings, then it is safe to say that each seed sown will reproduce after its kind. Can a person sow peppers and reap onions? Certainly not. When you sow images of success, you will reap success; when you sow images of health, you will reap health; if you sow images of fear, you will reap same. This is the secret of successful transformation and achievement; the secret of turning things around. Simply sow what you want to reap.

The mind is a powerful resource

At the beginning and end of each year, people and businesses make big plans, set hopeful goals, and make fabulous resolutions. Time, energy, money, man-power and several other tangible and intangible resources are invested into these goals. Yet somehow, many fail. Some succeed by sheer force of will.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Arthur Fletcher

The one resource that is singularly powerful enough to tilt the balance in favour of the desired transformation and success is also the one resource that is usually overlooked in the mad-dash for success and fulfilment. The mind is a limitless resource available to each person, each board and management. When the mind is pressed into service as a canvas or a womb, it is able to produce a perfect replica of what is planted in it. What fruit do you desire? Look for the seed of that fruit and plant it in your mind.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” says the Bible (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV).

René Descartes, the French Philosopher said “I think, therefore, I am” (Je pense donc je suis). Though Descarte’s context is more along the lines of existentialism, the fact remains that whatever you think you are, you are or you become.

Successful transformation of any kind – health, business, financial circumstances, relationships – comes from a change in thinking.

Romans 12:2 – “… but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind …”

The secret of successfully moving from where you are to a desired state begins in the mind.

The mind in business

As an individual, making the shift depends entirely on you. Fill your mind with what you desire, not what is thrown at you. The application is a little different in business. As a business leader, you begin the mental shift with yourself, but it does not end there. You have to carry your team along by regularly painting the picture of the success or transformation you intend to see, in their minds. You do so by clearly and repeatedly communicating the vision with vivid imagery until the image is formed in the minds of your audience. When they can see what you see in your mind, you will notice it.

Cultivate the field of your mind with seeds of your choice. That is your main job.

Find out more about how to tend your mind and cultivate the right seeds for the life your desire.

Think on these things 

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things.

Focus your mind on your desired result. treat any thought to the contrary as a weed; weed it out as soon as possible.

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