Have I told you a have a knack for picking amazing books? Well, there! Now I have said it, so you know.
Book Title: When You Need a Good Laugh
Subtitle: Finding Contagious Joy
Author: Phil Callaway
Year of Publication: 2013
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Number of Pages: 48
Book summary
Seriously, I have a flair for picking the most amazing books. It is like a ‘sixth-sense’ knowing (plus a couple of tricks up my sleeves for sniffing good books).
Phil Callaway’s When You Need a Good Laugh is one of my marvellous finds. The moment I laid eyes on it, I knew that was my Christmas gift to myself that year. This was in 2016. I have read it many times since.
I am not quite sure how to describe this book, except to say, it is a small, fun, and easy-read book, intended to be read when you need a good laugh.
When You Need a Good Laugh is an assemblage of short, witty, hilarious, real-life stories, a crack at the ironies and ridiculous complexities of modern life, and some rib-cracking ‘raising kids and family life’ stories.
As far as I am concerned, the book lives up to its title. After many reads, it retains it sparkle. I still get a good laugh when I pick it up.
“When God was making you, He was showing off.”
Why I Like This Book
It is hilarious, simple. Laughter is good for the soul. It is a worthy, unpretentious catharsis for adult-life drudgeries; a life turning the simple act of living into a battlefield of woes. Life is full of surprises; it is alright to enjoy it and share a good laugh.
Check these quotes
“Children love to laugh. … But by the time we’re a little older, many of us sacrifice the gift of laughter on the altar of maturity. We want to still laugh, but life sucks it out of us. Work. Deadlines. In-laws. Pimples.”
“We can’t learn much from a two-year old, but we can learn this: “No” is a complete sentence with a period at the end.”
“I began to lose my laugh back in fifth grade. That was the year grown-ups began to snarl at me. “Smarten up! Wise up! Listen up! Sit up! Stand up! Pick that up! Wash up! Speak up! Shut up! Grow up!” As if I wasn’t confused enough, they’d add “Quiet down! Simmer down! Settle down! Slow down! Get down from there!””
“To my ever-lovin’ daughter and loyal assistant Rachael, without whose constant companionship, advice, and encouragement, this book would have been completed six months earlier.”
Real Humour
Phil Callaway has a real sense of humour. You can check the laughagain website.
Frankly, this book is just what it says it is – when you need a good laugh, it does offer some very contagious joy.
My Favourite Sections
- Rediscovering sanity in a mad, mad world
- Time of the signs
- Wisdom for Life
- Favorite fridge magnets
Augustina O. Oti-Twumasi is a communications strategist, and L&D practitioner. she loves to inspire change in herself and in others. She does this through her work as a Training and Workshop Facilitator, Learning and Development Consultant, Creative Writer, Life Coach, and Integrated Marketing Communications Strategist.