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You are Actually Unbelievably Unique, and This is Why

Expressions of a Master Artist

Imagine you are a skilled master potter holding the finest clay in your hand. You have limitless options of pottery you could make with your clay. Eventually, you settle on making three items:

  • A slim-neck flower vase, because you love beautiful flower arrangements in a vase
  • A figurine of a dancing girl because you saw a cute little girl dancing by herself the day before, and it was just so sweet
  • A tea set, because you have an appreciation for fine tea and the art of serving it

Joyfully, skilfully, you mould each item, anticipating the finished beauty, and the pleasurable service they would soon be rendering.


A Mega Creative Expression

Every piece of art (and pottery), is an expression of the artist ­- his/her story, passions, creativity, environment, ideas and desires for those who would be fortunate to encounter and experience their creation. It is like a metaphorical message to observers and users. In the mind’s eye of the potter, he/she can see the figurine decorating somebody’s desk, shelf or table; she/he can picture the slim-neck of the vase holding an exotic collection of flowers, bringing colour into someone’s world or sitting as part of a collection of beautiful art. The potter can literally feel the happiness and warmth of the people sipping tea or coffee from the tea set even as s/he is creating it.

In the real world, as these pottery pieces perform their in-built functions, they become expressions of the creator, the potter, to the world. When someone admires any of the pieces for what they are and what they do, they are appreciating the creator.

“Like a master artist, the creator of humanity created each person with deliberate, precise, intent.”

Created With Deliberate Intent

By implication, we can safely presume that human beings are expressions of their creator. Like a master artist, the creator of humanity created each person with deliberate, precise, intent. We are uniquely styled to render certain outputs to the world, and deliver particular performances better than others. Therefore, who you are and what you do as an individual, is supposed to be based on your unique wiring.

The flower vase is not a teapot; though it can hold and serve tea, it cannot serve it with the grace and dexterity of the teapot. If anyone tried serving you tea or coffee from a vase, you might refuse to drink it. Neither is the figurine a vase. While each can serve multiple purposes for convenience, they possess precise features that make them distinctively suitable for specific purposes.

Inside every person, are fundamental features and qualities that show what we are designed for. Your abilities, desires, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, are important pointers to where you would shine brightest, and where you belong. This blend of talents, skills, interests, and passions, make you who you are. The formation starts before we are born, and continues through our early formative years, and sometimes into adulthood (early adulthood especially).

Your individual experiences, challenges, victories, exposures, and other circumstances help to fully flesh out who you are, and what you stand for. Your life is woven to make you stand out in a special way.

Joy Of Authentic Expression

What happens if someone buys the tea set and turns it into a decorative piece? That tea set, though it may beautify a shelf, will lose out on the joy of serving tea, and the delight of being touched by hungry hands and thirsty lips – the very thing that gives both the tea set and the tea-maker/drinker pleasure.

If that tea set never serves tea, it would still have done something, but nothing close to what it could do to give and receive the most satisfaction. As a result, the tea set would miss out on the performances that provoke the highest praise for both the tea set and its maker. It can produce some praise, but certainly not the highest praise.

“You are absolutely, insanely unique. Every experience you have had has served to make you the person you are today.”

What It All Means For You

In fulfilling what you are designed to do, you give the most pleasure, and receive same (or more) in return. That is the way we are designed. We get the most pleasure from fully expressing who we are, by giving the best of our true selves; not the self we have accidentally or erroneously picked up; nor the one imposed on us by the expectations of others and society. Without a doubt, those who have the opportunity to enjoy this authentic expression of who you are, will be thrilled by the naturalness of your flow.

The greatest worship (no matter your religion or your faith) is to express fully the person you are created to be. That is your tribute of appreciation; that is your song of praise – to show the world that the potter knew what he/she was doing when he/she made you!

The same potter created the vase, the figurine, and the tea set, from the same clay, in the same workshop; but, each expresses the potter’s creativity differently. In the moulding process, the potter fitted each piece for its purpose.

Even if the potter makes different sets of the same pottery, they will not be exactly the same. The potter’s thoughts, speed, breaks, where each pottery is placed in the oven, and other factors will differ. No two people are the same, though they may have strong similarities. You are absolutely, insanely unique. Every experience you have had since you were a foetus has served to make you the person you are today.


Find out what you have been fitted for; discover the passions life has ignited in you and match them with the inherent qualities that make you unique. Serve this unique blend of you to the world. Welcome to life on planet earth. It is one heck of a ride! If you are enjoying the ride, you have possibly found what you are designed for. If you are not enjoying the ride, start from the beginning. Who are you? What matters to you? What qualities and attributes do you have? How do they fit into what matters to you? What passions drive you? When are you at your best?

Finding your place in this life is a thrilling, liberating experience. Try it! And enjoy the ride.
