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Emotional Intelligence, Foundation for a Happy Life and Career

Success and the EQ Factor

A fundamental missing element in the equation of building a successful life and career is emotional intelligence. While many work long and hard, and search high and low for success, true and consistent success eludes most, because less emphasis is placed on the factor that has been identified to be vital to success on the job, at home, and in all social situations.

Various scientific researches, spanning several years, have proven that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a better predictor and determinant of success than Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify your (own) emotions and manage them, and by extension, identify the emotions of others and manage those as well.

Emotionally intelligent people are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, their emotions and responses in almost all circumstances. They are also aware of the emotions of other people and are able to relate with them in a positive way, communicating well, and minimising conflicts and stress. That, in a nutshell, is real self-awareness.

“Life is about people – you and the people you relate with.”

The Four Components of Emotional Intelligence

1. The ability to Perceive Emotions
Recognise your own emotions, and how they affect your thoughts and behaviours. The is Self-Awareness

2. The Ability to Understand Emotions
Using the knowledge of your emotions to control your feelings, impulses and behaviours in a healthy way. This is Self-Management or Self-Regulation.

3. The ability to Use Emotions
Understanding and managing your own emotions, strengths and weaknesses helps you to be empathetic. You can pick emotional cues; understand the needs, responses, and concerns of others. This is referred to as Social Awareness.

4. The ability Manage Emotions
Based on your understanding of the emotions of others, you are able to build stronger relationships, maintain relationships, communicate better, and influence people. This is Relationship Management.

Learn, Acquire, Apply

A successful life and career goes hand in hand with Emotional Intelligence, and by extension, self-awareness. The four components described above are skills that can be learnt by anyone; and anyone who is able to master these four elements is on the road to achieving a happy and fulfilling life. After all, life is about people – you and the people you relate with at work, at home, at school, in extended family situations, and all other social engagements.   

To be clear, it is not just about knowing what emotional intelligence is, and how the four skill-set works. To say you are emotionally intelligent means you have acquired, and do apply the skills to the extent that you can actually perceive, understand, use, and manage your emotions and behaviours, and connect meritoriously with the people you relate with. It is one thing to know; it is another thing to know how to apply; and a completely different thing to continuously apply and master the skill.

Once we can successfully learn to perceive, understand, use and manage emotions, effectively, we are/become emotionally intelligent and are good candidates for a happy successful life and career.
