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Perfect Orchestra and The Stage of Life

Beauty of the Orchestra

A great performance by an excellent orchestra can bring tears to the eyes, joy to the heart, and leave one with a sense of incredible beauty that the mind cannot begin to fathom. Watching an orchestra perform flawlessly leaves me with a deep sense of awe. It causes my creative juices to flow.

Orchestra and Life

How does a perfect orchestra come to be? Coaching; learning; practice, more practice, even more practice; followed by performance, more performance, and further practice. An orchestra cannot be great, excellent or perfect without these. After weeks and months or years of practice and rehearsals, on the day of performance, one final factor is vital to the success of the orchestra: keeping their eyes on the Maestro; the Conductor. If one person misses a tiny cue, the performance could be flawed.

Life is like an orchestra. Our whole being, the various parts of our lives, our personality, temperament, character, gifts and talents, skills, mind-set, education – these are all part of the orchestra of our lives.

Many of the things that happen to us as we go through life are practice opportunities and rehearsals to prepare us for continuous excellent performances. We cannot ignore the lessons taught at the rehearsals and expect our performance to play out well on the grand stage of life. Pay attention to the lessons life is teaching; it is a cue to the kind of stage you are expected to play on, and how the play should run.

“Pay attention to the lessons life is teaching; it is a cue to your stage and your play.”

Performing in Daily Life With The Maestro

Through it all, at rehearsals, and during the stage performance, keep your eyes on the Maestro, the great Conductor – God. He knows where the breaks are; He knows the next song; He knows how to cue you in to a photo finish. He has the answers. Fix your gaze on Him; you will not miss a cue, and you will have a performance that makes your heart smile every time you remember. That kind of performance will also keep many hearts warm for years to come. Total strangers would share things like, ‘that day, if it had not been for the patience of …. (insert your name)’ or ‘but for the generosity of so and so’, or ‘but for her ability to use humour to diffuse the tension,’ or ‘but for that doctor’s sixth sense that kept probing even though the cause of the illness seemed obvious, we might have lost them’.

Whatever it is you do, or hope to do, learn the lessons of life from the Maestro, and keep your eyes on Him. Then the orchestra that is YOU will give a wow performance every time, and be a blessing to many.
