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Success Is In Our DNA

Success is Natural

We love good success stories; we love to read or hear about people who succeeded against all odds.

We find those stories touching because we have forgotten a basic fact of life: Success against all odds is in our DNA; it is part of our natural programing.

instinct is the miracle of the seed

I have been trying my hands at making compost for my potted plants. I went to check on one of the compost bags, and discovered a tomato had sprouted and started growing comfortably in the bag.

I was surprised; not because the seed germinated, but because of how the sprout was able to make a hole in the bag and shoot itself out.

That little seed had the strength to push through the boundaries of its confinement and shoot out.

Odds of Success

What are the odds of success? We have seen plants growing on rocks, and in obscure crevices. Plant life reminds us daily that success and well-being is our natural state; our normal DNA state.

Failure on the other hand is alien to us, and that is why it hurts so badly when we fail. It does not mean we will not or should not fail. Rather, when we fail, the contrasting pain is a reminder to return to our true state.

Plant life reminds us daily that success and well-being is our natural state of being.

Designed to Flourish

No matter where we are, no matter what situation we are faced with, we can always find room to grow and succeed, if only we can remember that success is already within us – like the plants that grow in unexpected places, we too are designed to flourish no matter the circumstance.
