The Blessing of Sudden Rain

Sudden Changes

When it rains, some are happy; others whose businesses are negatively impacted by the rain are not. On occasion, before it rains, we see the clouds gather. We anticipate the rain and prepare to be indoors or somewhere safe before the rain comes down. There are times however that the rains start without any warning, without (visible) gathering of the clouds, without any storm. This kind of rain can take people by surprise. When it happens, you see people running helter-skelter to avoid getting wet. Traders hurriedly pack or cover their wares. That is the blessing of sudden rain.

At a program I attended not long ago, it started raining rather unexpectedly. It was a morning program, and as at the time I was leaving home for the program, there was no indication whatsoever that it would be a rainy day. Yet, there we were, with heavy rain pelting down the roof of the building. The person sitting next to me remarked that sometimes, blessing are like the rain, coming when you least expect it.

"Blessing are like the rain, coming down when you least expect."
Not So Sudden Changes

I started thinking about rains in terms of blessing; there are terms such as financial rain, raining money, and windfalls. These expressions use weather related euphemisms to describe blessings.

Just as there can be seemingly sudden changes in the weather, so can there be seemingly sudden blessings. I say ‘seemingly’ because the sudden changes we see in both the weather and blessings are not really that sudden. Geographers and meteorologists would tell you that there is really nothing sudden about weather changes. What we see as sudden actually may have been brewing for years, months, weeks, days, hours or minutes. The cloud formation announcing rain may not always be visible to the naked eye; but those who have the right equipment at the right places can usually predict when and where the next rain would be.

Keep faith and push forward

You may have been believing for a long time for some blessings or answers. There may be no sign within your current situation that indicates the possibility of a turnaround. There may be no sign of rain in your world at the moment. Be assured that though physically you do not see any sign of change, the clouds are gathering. You don’t have to see it to believe it or know it. The fact that you do not see it does not mean nothing is happening.

Continue labouring in work, in prayer, in faith, and in service; continue doing what brings you joy. One day, you will experience what would look like a sudden rain, but which in actual fact is an accumulation of all your physical and spiritual labour working together to create the right clouds to release your blessing and your abundance.

Your labour plus faith will pay off

The next time you see or experience what appears to be a ‘sudden rain’, be it financial, social, spiritual, or even physical rain, remember that some processes have happened in the background to create the rain. Rejoice with those who are experiencing their ‘sudden’ rain. They have laboured for it in ways which are not visible to you. And as you rejoice with them, be assured that your own labour will someday produce what others would also call ‘SUDDEN’ blessing.
