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The Miracle of a New Perspective


A fine word I have used countless times for various purposes. It is normally ‘just another word’ I use to make a point, express an opinion, or explain something.

Recent events in my life have had me looking at the word in a completely different light. Yes, I am seeing the word perspective, in a whole new perspective!

Little Shifts

What a difference a little shift makes! A slight change in angle, light, or direction, does wonders. Ask any good photographer, videographer or cinematographer. They will tell you how much of a difference such small changes make to the beauty and meaning of an image/scene.

I cannot begin to fully explain how much of a difference a little shift in perspective makes in any situation. It is like a magic eye balm, opening the eyes to see the same situation in a new light. It sort of rearranges the elements to compose a new picture. I call it the magic or miracle of perspective.

Use the Magic

Try it. Take any difficult situation and consider it from a couple new of perspectives. You could make a game out of it. Challenge yourself to see how many possible perspectives you could come up with; watch the ‘magic’ play out.

I am applying this magic word more and more in my personal and work life. The result? Ease. Peace of mind. Aha! Moments. Unexpected insights. Better understanding of situations.

A little perspective goes a long way.

If you need an extra pair of eyes or ears to help you take advantage of the magic of a new perspective, feel free to get in touch. Together, we can have fun discovering new ways of looking at what you are dealing with, and designing solutions that are just perfect!
