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Where Is Your Umbrella?

What happens if you are caught in an unexpected rain?

Chances are, you would be totally unprepared, especially if you live in the tropics. An umbrella would be the last thing on your mind on a normal day. However, if you have been praying for rain, and expectant, you would have an umbrella handy, no matter the evidence to the contrary.

In The Blessing of Sudden Rain, I mentioned that what appears to be sudden rains, or sudden blessings, are usually, an accumulation of events, minor changes, and other happenings and processes which our eyes may not be privy to.

So, although you might experience sudden rain, or rain without warning, meteorologists can confirm there were signs, gathering of clouds.

Are You Ready?

We all have dreams, goals, and expectation we are working towards. Often times we spend long hours in prayer for specific blessings. Yet, somehow, we neglect to carry our ‘umbrella’ along.

What are you praying for? Assuming it is given to you suddenly, no hint, no warning, would you be ready? Right now, as you are reading this piece, how ready are you for the blessing you are asking for? How ready are you for that new job? How ready are you to go back to school if the school of your dreams, that said no to you suddenly decides to give you a chance? Would you say, ‘Yes, but’, or would you scream ‘YES!’ because you are absolutely ready? The business expansion you desperately want, have you developed your capacity to handle the expansion, or are you are waiting for the financing to come through before you learn how? Would potential investors find you ready?

“If you have faith in your dreams,  be ready. It will rain suddenly, one of these days. You better have your umbrella with you when it does.”

Faith Is Expectant

Those who live in climates prone to unexpected rains hardly leave home without an umbrella or raincoat. They are always ready. Likewise, if you are expecting life to yield something to you, learn to walk in a state of ready-preparedness; be ready, and be prepared!

There are some hard walls you have been hitting at for ages; they seem immovable. But, one day, that wall will fall. You better be ready to run through the debris to get what you have been looking for. Or you can stare at the broken walls in unprepared, crippling wonderment.

Grab Your Umbrella and Be Ready

Undoubtedly, you will get another chance (I believe that). However, it may not be the (exact) same. And, you may regret the lost opportunity.

On the other hand, you could be the one who chances on the broken wall; a wall shielding something you have always wanted but did not have the capacity to break. Would you be ready to walk through? Or would the opportunity be so unexpected you would need to come back another time?

Faith is expectant. If you have faith in yourself and your dreams, if you have faith in God, then be ready. It will rain suddenly, one of these days. You better have your umbrella with you when it does.
